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Order Central®
-> Frequently Asked Questions
How to configure TEST and LIVE websites using different database settings?
Err:Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {A440BD76-CFE1-4D46-AB1F-15F238437A3D}
How to fix the error: Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID {A440BD76-CFE1-4D46-AB1F-15F238437A3D} failed due to the following error
What are Textblocks?
TextBlocks are a common feature of most Catalina Technology products. They are textual entries that can be used for page bulletins/notices...
How do I specify an address as "Residential" for UPS shipment pricing in OrderCentral?
If the basket table xctb_soHeader.User8 is set to "Y" then the OrderCentral UPS ship pricing control will specify the address as Residential.
How do I customize the shipping rates returned by the UPS online services in OrderCentral?
In OrderCentral there are a couple of web.config fields that can be used to alter the price returned by the UPS web services.
How do I make Catalina Web Services connect to sql server using a windows account?
Some customizations require the catalina web service to run as a windows account for connecting to sql server and for process manager steps.
MaxQ -Chargeit PCCharge Payment Server integration
Details of the configuration, setup and requirements for integrating OrderCentral with MaxQ's Chargeit system.
How do I disable OrderCentral from applying the Trade Discount for an order or particular line items
Details on how to customize OrderCentral to not apply line item discounts to the order.
How do I make a dynamic category and product menu in OrderCentral?
Many OrderCentral site designers want a dynamic product menu with categories and products displayed. This functionality can be accomplished by using the class: OrderCentral.elements.categoryUI
How do I fix the error: Cannot insert the value NULL into column 'AddressType', table 'SOHeader'
There are certain update scenarios for SL7 that don't redefine defaults for some of the distribution tables. In order to fix the null value problems you will need to manually redefine the defaults.
How do I fix the error: The server principal "GUID" is not able to access the database.
After moving a Dynamics SL (Solomon) database to a new server the following error may occur: Message - The server principal "
" is not able to access the database "SLDatabase"....
How do I take my website offline?
By setting the maintenanceMode key to TRUE, all traffic is rerouted to the URL specified in the maintenancePage key.
Line item auto PO vendor ID is required.
Using SL7 DMGs in CTAPI on a server that has SL client installed.
If a server has the Solomon client installed, you cant rely on the location of your DMG’s being in the bin directory. They may not be called correctly. You need to remove them from the GAC.
Problem writing to logfile: <PathToFileName>
How to solve the IIS error message: "Problem writing to logfile:
" in OrderCentral.
How to debug email issues in OrderCentral.
Details on how debug email issues in OrderCentral ASP.NET 1.1
How do I make non-stock kit items explode?
In some versions of the Solomon the non-stock kit items do not explode when OrderCentral hands the order off to Solomon for processing. If this problem is occurring take the following steps.
How do I make an OrderCentral page require user be logged in?
This is configured at the page level using the OrderCentral.elements.securityCheck control.
How do I make an OrderCentral page require SSL/HTTPS?
This is configured at the page level using the OrderCentral.elements.securityCheck control.
How to debug "NOORDERNUMBER" problems
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Microsoft Dynamics SL (Solomon) .NET Software by Catalina Technology a Microsoft Solomon ISV