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emailgetQueuedEmails Method

Returns an array of DSLEmail objects that are ready to be emailed. Includes all NEW emails, and emails that have been marked 'SENDING' but are still QUEUED for some reason Calls: xct_spDSLGetQueuedEmails

Namespace:  ctDynamicsSL
Assembly:  ctDynamicsSL (in ctDynamicsSL.dll) Version: 2021.9.16.1 (2021.09.16.01)
[SoapHeaderAttribute("mySLHeader", Direction = SoapHeaderDirection.In)]
[WebMethodAttribute(MessageName = "getQueuedEmails", Description = "Returns an array of DSLEmail objects that are ready to be emailed.")]
[ScriptMethodAttribute(UseHttpGet = false, ResponseFormat = ResponseFormat.Json)]
public emailDSLEmail[] getQueuedEmails()

Return Value

Type: emailDSLEmail
See Also